The History of Windows
In the history of windows, there was a time not many years ago when glass was not common-place as it is today. Then, only the wealthy and privileged had access to glass and most people did without it in their windows.
During the Roman era in the history of windows, glass making grew in popularity and was a bit advanced. Even so, the earliest windows had glass that was ‘pebbly’ and didn’t let in much but light. The view through these windows was less than good.
The history of windows reveals that flat glass panes were first introduced in the late Third Century. This is when glass makers would blow a bubble of glass and slice into thin panes.
During what was called the Dark Ages, not just of the history of windows but of most of the ‘civilized’ world, the ability to make the kind of glass needed for good windows was lost. European cathedrals had stained glass for their windows, but the ordinary folk just had shutters they could pull closed over open holes.
Sometimes during this age of the history of windows, people would use animal skins soaked in oil to put across their windows. The soaking would make these skins translucent, letting in some light.
Most of the windows of that time were small, made that way to cut down on cold winds blowing into the houses. Heavy curtains were sometimes hung across them as well. This made the interiors of the homes very dark, so a fire was kept burning all the time to provide some light.
The history of windows shows that the Middle Ages brought back the ability to make glass for windows once more. A process in France allowed glass makers to blow a hollow sphere of glass that was then spun to make what was known as crown glass.
The mid-sixteenth century marked some progress in the history of windows. Most people then had some glass in their windows, at least in the most important rooms. Window glass was so precious then that those wealthy folk who had summer homes and winter homes would take the glass out of their houses and store it when they were in the other home.
Today, we have glass readily available for use in our homes. Different kinds for different choices. When you are looking for window glass or a replacement for a window, call FEDERAL GLASS AND MIRROR at 508-872-3563. Mike and John Purpura have a long family history of excellence in many types of glass replacement and installation.